SOOPAn logoSOOPA ry, Oulun yliopiston partiolippukunta

Cancellation terms of SOOPA

Binding registrations Registration is bindingin every SOOPA event that has a limited participant number and a participation fee. Participation fee must be paid before the start of the event. Otherwise, the participant is not allowed to take part in the event.

Terms of refund and cancellation

All cellations and refund applications must be given in writing by email to the organizers of the event.

Before registration to the event closes

Participants are allowed to cancel their participation for whatever reason, if the cancellation has been done before the registration time ends. If the attendant has paid the participation fee they will receive a full refund.

Before the event starts

Participants are allowed to cancel their participation in the case of injury or getting sick and they will receive a full refund.

After the beginning of the event

We will charge a full participation fee if the attendant hasn’t canceled their participation before the event and they don’t have a medical certificate or other certificate to justify the cancellation.

Other cases

In other cases, cancellation of participation doesn’t entitle to a refund of the participation fee without a decision by the Board. When registering for the event, the participant is responsible for ensuring that they have the required equipment as well as the fitness level. Cancellation of registration is not possible due to lack of equipment or poor fitness level.

Organizer’s rights

SOOPA reserves the right to cancel the event before the start of the event. In this case all paid participation fees will be refunded to participants. To get the fee back participants must send their account numbers to the Treasurers email.