SOOPAn logoSOOPA ry, Oulun yliopiston partiolippukunta

Winter Hike 2017

The winter hike in 2017 is directed at UKK national park on 1.1.2017. The trip costs 80€, which includes transportation and the after-hike dinner and sauna.

Registration has closed.

Payment info:

Account number FI72 5741 3620 0577 18

Recipient: Soopa Ry

reference number 11578

Cost 80€ + Soopa membership(if not paid) (7€ for students of Oulu university)+rentals

Information about the hike will be available at the soopa kolo on 3.11.2016 at 17 pm

The hike mostly consists of short but efficent day trips, and nights on open cabins. Sunlight is a precious resource, only a few hours a day, so we’ll try to make the most of what we get. The hike requires some skiing ability and a decent physical condition, although determination can take you far.

The hike is mostly done in groups of 4-8. Most participants come with no premade group and soopa distributes them according to experience, ability, preferences etc. Every group includes an experienced leader, who makes sure the route is planned, food groups/pairs distributed etc. and is responsible for communicating with the hike organizers. During the hike, the leader has no responsibility for their group, but provides experience and assistance to beginners.

Most groups will eat breakfast and dinner in the cabins. Lunch will be prepared in a thermos flask and eaten on the way. the group usually splits into pairs for buying and preparing food.

Drinking enought water is important. The cold lowers the feeling of thirst, but a lot of water is lost throught breathing and normal metabolism even if you are not sweating. You should have at least a bottle of water under your jacket (to prevent freezing) and a thermos flask. Water can be found by breaking ice or melting snow.

The transport will be a bus from Oulu. if you are from elsewhere, you are responsible for getting to Oulu yourself. The return trip will include a dinner and a sauna. The stuff you need for the bus trip and sauna can be left in the bus.

Soopa will rent skis at 20 €/pair. Tents can be reserved for free.

Gear list:

If you need more information, email or